

One of the most important traits a species or object can have is adaptation. Environments change every day, and we are in the midst of one of the biggest changes in our lifetimes, if not the biggest. If you cant adapt you will be passed up and beaten. You never want to be passed up. As college students we have seen this change first hand. From walking to class and sleeping in dorms. Eating with friends at Noyer Dining hall, and within a blink of an eye COVID-19 became a really serious issue. Not only in the states, but globally. Assignments and classes moving to online was a bump in the road of necessary adaptation. Can you remember your assignments with no class, while coz at home? I personally saw a struggle in the beginning of all this. Constant late nights suddenly remembering an assignment due in just a few minutes. Something needed to change. 

Finding a calendar and daily pattern was my first attempt at change. This worked for a few weeks, but eventually more change was in need. My assignments were good and I wasn't missing any. However, my life felt like everyday was the same. More adaptation was required. I began to set different times to do activities and attempted to change it up from day to day. You really only can spend so much time inside before you breakdown. Something as simple as going for a walk can sooth your mind. Ive found switching up sleep patterns to help, shockingly enough. One day go to bed early, wake up early. The next (if possible) stay up a little later and allow yourself to sleep in. This helped with feeling the difference between each new day. 
Finally, how have you adapted to this crazy change we are apart of? What have been changes you have made to previous changes. These are certainly crazy times with a lot of given hardships. How you handle it and how you come out however are largely up to your ability to adapt to new situations and environments. The coronavirus has swept the world under a carpet, lets rise!       


  1. For me, this whole situation has been hard. I find it super hard to do all classes online and not being able to play soccer with my team sucks! Adapting to this crazy time has also been quite difficult. Having a large family it is super hard to stay focused and I find myself constantly getting distracted and not getting my work done. To adapt I have created a set schedule for school work that I try to follow everyday. As for soccer, I haven't done much to adapt. Besides practing in my backyard, it's hard to perform at the same level with limited resources.


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