
Showing posts from April, 2020


Adaptation One of the most important traits a species or object can have is adaptation. Environments change every day, and we are in the midst of one of the biggest changes in our lifetimes, if not the biggest. If you cant adapt you will be passed up and beaten. You never want to be passed up. As college students we have seen this change first hand. From walking to class and sleeping in dorms. Eating with friends at Noyer Dining hall, and within a blink of an eye COVID-19 became a really serious issue. Not only in the states, but globally. Assignments and classes moving to online was a bump in the road of necessary adaptation. Can you remember your assignments with no class, while coz at home? I personally saw a struggle in the beginning of all this. Constant late nights suddenly remembering an assignment due in just a few minutes. Something needed to change.  Finding a calendar and daily pattern was my first attempt at change. This worked for a few weeks, but eventually m...