Life During Corona

Let’s admit it: Coronavirus has changed everything. As I type this, on a Sunday evening, I am laying at home in the same clothes I’ve been wearing for three days. My hair is disheveled and I haven’t shaved or seen anyone else in at least a week. It sorta sucks.

And it’s totally not normal.

So, what does this have to do with Eng 103?
Well, alot actually. 

Despite everything being totally NOT normal, Ball State has asked us to carry on as if everything were. So, like, continue to treat class as if we were still getting up and getting dressed to go to class. Which we are totally not. I guess what I am trying to say is that it’s really difficult right now to pretend everything is normal when we all know it’s not.

It’s hard on the teachers. It’s hard on the students. And I’m sure it’s hard on all the parents who have to come pick up their kids after all residence halls are closed down. 

And right now, to be honest, it’s hard for me. Really hard for me. I’ve recently lost my father and my mother is older and lives three hours away. This semester has already been tough as it is. All these online assignments are really hard to keep up with despite me staying at home all day looking and feeling like a slob. I guess normality and routine help kick us into good habits, refining us to do the right things. To turn things in. 

Routine helps to make the world go round. Helps to keep me making sure my grades are fine.Without it, I feel lost.

I hope I’m not alone.

I hope that all you other Eng 103ers are doing okay. And if you’re not, email me. We can embrace the unnormal together. 


  1. I definitely agree ... corona has changed and now it's like we an't even go outside and now we have to isolate ourselves from people all around the world. Yes I feel like they wanting us to think of school as it is still going on when it is not and they except us to get up like we are on campus and it is not the same from school and home . It is totally different and it is way more difficult when they don't make it convenient for us like they do for themselves. All they have worry about is posting and grading and they think it is so simple but there is a lot that be going on at home that we have to worry about and they do not have worry or they might not know about. It is way harder.

  2. Absolutely. COVID has brought change I don't think many anticipated. The days seem to stick together in one long boring dream. I definitely agree as well that the online assignments have been tough to anage. I originally thought it was going to be much easier. However, without constant reminding as we had on campus, it tends to leak away from my mind. Hopefully when normality returns, we havent changed for good.


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