Pathos This week we talked and learned about forms of rhetoric. I find Pathos the most compelling. The idea of Pathos of course is to pull at the heart strings of the audience or create a feeling to support what the advertisement or propaganda is trying to sell. It truly is the most powerful form. Our brains create bias naturally and seeing something that negatively or positively affects your emotons will most defenitly create support or hate for said topic. For example, a tire company posts a simple picture of a cute baby holding their product (a tire). With the heading "Michelin, because so much is riding on your tires." This a clear pathos, and a powerful one at that. Immediately all mothers and fathers who see the ad think of their families and think to trust Michelins tires, and even become a user of them. It really is good business. Ethos and logos can also be powerful and of course they work as they are so commonly used. However, the power of e...